Making My Movies Review App

Fiona Weaver
1 min readJan 14, 2021

So far, during my journey with flatiron, I have surely made some progress. I have finished my second project! I built an app using Sinatra. This project definitely tested me. I had a lot of trouble at first wrapping my head around how routes work and sessions. But at some point it clicked!

I decided to make my app a movie review app, I decided to use an API to seed my data base, so when users see the view page, there are already reviews there. With my app users need to first create an account, and login, then they are able to see the main page. They can create their own reviews, edit or delete them. During this project I got to learn more about Html as well as CSS, which is pretty cool. This project was pretty challenging for me, I felt a lot more like I didn’t know what I was doing than I did with the last one, but I feel like I definitely got a better understanding of Sinatra, active-record and sessions while building the project. I spent a lot of hours watching videos, googling and being frustrated, but I feel a lot more confident with it now.

