My Final Project

Fiona Weaver
2 min readApr 14, 2021

Today, I am writing my last blog post while with Flatiron. Wow! I honestly can’t believe I did it!

For my last project I decided to do a social media clone. I knew it would be a challenge, but I felt like I had come far enough I could do it.

I have found that I learn a lot more during these projects, it forces me to really figure things out when I don’t completely understand something. I always start these project kind of feeling like I don’t know what I am doing, and ending them feeling like a master…

For my social app, I used rails api for the backend and react for the frontend. React is so much easier to work with than vanilla JS, not going to lie. I had some bumps and spent many hours trying to figure out bugs here and there, but I have come to enjoy this process. I have gotten so much better at finding bugs and figuring out how to fix them, as well as just googling, it is crazy how much better I am at googling now, haha.

I think throughout this process I have really learned to appreciate ruby on rails though. For me, rails makes a lot of sense, and I just love the flow of it. I am considering going down the path to be a rails dev. I think I would love do really master rails, and work with it all the time.

I am so happy I decided to throw myself into doing this. I can’t wait to actually start working and use what I have learned, and start learning so much more!

